Sunday Mornings
Sundays are the heart of our church
You can dress casual for service. Some people still like to dress up a bit, especially for special events like Easter and Christmas Eve, but many are in jeans or shorts.
Worship is a combination of traditional elements and more modern components with a pretty laid-back feel. We often start with some liturgy and do a song or two that is more contemporary on the guitar and keyboard. The sermon goes deep but keeps your attention. Our choir or bell choir play a special in there somewhere too. The closing song is normally a more traditional hymn played on the organ. Our music team includes some talented and enthusiastic members. The praise team helps to lead the songs. The choir adds their voices as well, while also doing special music. The bell choir has recently been relaunched. Ask around if you want to be a part of our music team.
We typically have communion the first Sunday of the month. People are invited if able to come forward and take bread and juice of the table. If you cannot come forward, someone can bring the elements to you. We also provide sanitary individual communion that is prepackaged if you are nervous about getting or spreading germs or illness.
We also do a number of special worship services. We do Ash Wednesday, though last year we did it on Fat Tuesday and combined it for Feast then Fast—a combo of the two nights. We also make a big deal out of Christmas Eve.